Pastor's Blog/ True Meaning of Christmas
Jesus is the meaning for the season

Can you forgive, so that you might be free?
My wife and I have been on a road trip for 10 days now and we have visited friends and family in 4 states. That's right, 4 states. Texas,...

How many post crucifixion sightings of Jesus are in the Bible?
So here is a possible and, if I do say so myself, likely chronological sequence of the resurrection appearances. It is a kind of...

Suffering -The Book of James
The Book of James teaches us that the believer's undeserved suffering is intended for blessing. As I was studying this letter of James a

Make Room for Jesus !!!
We make room in our lives to go shopping for things we often times can’t afford or don’t need.

Pastor's Blog/Why church attendance is soo Important
God wants you to go to church this weekend

Pastor's Blog/ True Meaning of Christmas
Jesus is the meaning for the season